There are lots of ways to be rich. One can be rich in free time, health, friends, freedom to do as one wants, power, admiration, love, and of course money. I left my very lucrative fortune 100 job in 2010, after 16 years, knowing I would be making about 1/3 as much just overseeing my small businesses. Since then, I've become much much richer in 6 of those categories I mentioned above. If I had stayed in my corporate job or similar for 13 more years, I'm rather certain I would have been sitting on the top floor in a corner office making a fortune yet I'd be much poorer on balance overall. Do I have any regrets - No. It's the best deal I ever made with myself.

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Can't tax love (not yet anyway)

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This post was EVERYTHING!! Indeed, I posted a similar thought last month: https://substack.com/@duvayknox/note/c-41248578

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Thanks DuVay!

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Whenever I feel jealous of someone's career I remember to ask myself if I'm jealous of their entire LIFE. Can be two very different answers.

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This really resonated with me. Something I needed to hear and very wise.

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You're killing it, Trisha. Keep being you!

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Thank you. Needed that also!

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Love this article. Man, I wish I were you.

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naw man, the world needs Rick Smith.

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